Written by Nathan Wedge
Jak played by Bexs Barlow
Fiona played by Franky Higgins
Dr Pavan Shah played by Amrit Jha
Matt played by Nathan Wedge
‘What Matters in the End?’ is an exciting new play that explores, through the unwitting journey of four
troubled souls, many of the difficult questions we often avoid in life.
As we meet our four characters we see a snippet of who they are; before we delve into the depths of who they are and what it is all for.
Our journey starts with Dr. Pavan Shah an enigmatic psychiatrist who ironically becomes the voice of reason, having failed to listen to himself in life and find himself lost in a world he doesn’t understand.
We see the work he has done with Fiona, an ex-drug addict that propels forward in life by channelling her
energies into youth work, with Fiona’s life finally on track what could upset the apple cart?
Could it be the return of her sibling Jak, who left many years prior? Escaping a life of trauma and running away to join the military.
Jak is unapologetically themself, truly authentic in a world that tells us what to think, how to feel and who to be; they return home with one purpose but after being away so long, is there anyone left?
Or could it have been mistakenly bumping into an old friend, Matt; who selfishly sought Fiona out for his own personal gain?
Matt selfish to the core, puts blame on circumstance to excuse expressing the pain of his loneliness and his fear of failure.
As their lives intertwine they find themselves lost in a question. Will they find the answers? Are answers even possible?

Find us in British Theatre Guide:
Theatre listing: What Matters in the End? at Studio Below, Liverpool (britishtheatreguide.info)
2025 Dates To Be Released Soon!